Twitter is full of irritating hashtags and snapshots of lunch plates, right? Wrong. Twitter, when used effectively, can actually have a huge impact not only upon your business, but also upon your overall online presence. Confused? Here’s a simple guide to helping you understand what a simple 140-character tweet can do for you.

Google rankings
Everybody wants their business to be on that first page Holy Grail of search results.
Google has composed complicated algorithms to determine who ends up where in the grand scheme of things, and as of December 2010 we were told that Twitter played a part in that algorithm. If you’re looking to get to that first page, then get tweeting!

Build relationships
Nobody wants to communicate with an automated Twitter account; they want real interactions with real humans! If you’re going to tweet, then make sure you do it sincerely.

Talk to people, ask them about the projects they’re working on, and always offer help where you can. Before you know it you’ll build up a great network of invaluable connections.

Consider your audience
Twitter is what you make of it. Post links and discuss content that interests you, and that you think will interest your followers. There’s nothing worse than a corporate Twitter feed that only ever spouts company slogans. Don’t be afraid to have a personality.

Industry experts
Twitter is a great way to get in touch with those higher up in your field: people who might otherwise seem inaccessible. Well known figures often hold Q&A sessions, which can be a great way of receiving some expert (free!) advice. Plenty of influential individuals use the platform, and they’re only an @reply away!

Anybody can use Twitter, and you’ll find that you get as much out of it as you put in. If you’re still baffled by the whole concept of Twitter, or you simply don’t have the spare time to build up a great following, then get in touch with Point and Stare. Not only are our team very knowledgeable in social media, but we can also help you build a better overall online presence that will boost your business.