So, Is Twitter Dead?
tl:dr; This time last year I was posting constantly, now ... mehh ... a couple of times a day, maybe ... but, my stream is majorly auto-blatants or just stuff I'm not interested in. 2 min readThis time last year I was posting on Twitter constantly, now … mehh … a couple of times a day, maybe … but, my current stream is majorly auto-blatants or just stuff I’m not interested in.
It’s like there was a party going on, everyone had fun, then we all headed home and someone left the TV on the shopping channel.
BUT … I still believe Twitter is relevant for a business and personal and here’s why.
Twitter is a powerful platform
Driven by citizen journalism which itself is another hugely powerful platform, Twitter is hugely important to today’s society.
It’s where people turn to to hear the latest news way before the TV stations are allowed to broadcast it, way before it’ll ever be in print.
Twitter for business
Marketers ruin everything and, just as they do with every new platform it seems they ruined Twitter the day someone thought it was a good idea to automate #buymystuff tweets.
Twitter can be powerful for business, but, right now it’s gone the lazy load and no-one bothers to hang around – drive-by tweeting – and when you reply to their tweet, it’s a few days before they respond.
Twitter, email or even phone calls – in business you deal with it immediately or you’ll find yourself deselecting your customers faster than you can say #imusingahashtagwrong
If you really must use Twitter from a business POV, and I totally recommend you do, I suggest using the search function, finding people tweeting about stuff you’re interested in, follow, join in with their discussions and strike up a relationship.
Twitter for Twitter
Unfortunately Twitter seemed to lose it’s way after the IPO.
It doesn’t have a personality any more. Instead it’s a bit like when your best mate growing up came back after his holiday and discovered ‘girls’.
Now, instead of being a fun place to hang out, they’ve gone all serious quarterly sales forecasts to meet, investors to appease and an audience to nurture and grow.
While other platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat have innovated (when I say innovated I mean copying each other) with new functions, Twitter has stood still.
Twitter for your advantage
The good thing about tumbleweed is that there is massive room for growth.
My advice now is to make a move on the barren turf and stake your territory.
Dump 96% of those that you currently follow and find some new friends to play with.
Get constructing, hang around the Twitter bar and develop new relationships.
Give it another go and come and join us.